Pioneer of sustainable healthy dog food

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Healthy dog food: natural and regional

There is a Goood premium dog food for every age and for different sizes. There is also a special promise for your pet too. Our recipes are either grain-free or contain nutritious wholegrains, making them easy to digest even by sensitive dogs with food intolerances. The meat comes from certified free range farms, and most of the plant-based ingredients originate from our region. The natural ingredients are gently processed to create a delicious meal for your dog, which is then packed in recyclable bags wherever possible. Goood is entirely CO₂-neutral and, with every kilo you purchase, you are supporting social and sustainability projects around the world. You are not only doing something good for your dog; you are doing it for our planet too.

Healthy dog food: natural and regional

There is a Goood premium dog food for every age and for different sizes. There is also a special promise for your pet too. Our recipes are either grain-free or contain nutritious wholegrains, making them easy to digest even by sensitive dogs with food intolerances. The meat comes from certified free range farms, and most of the plant-based ingredients originate from our region. The natural ingredients are gently processed to create a delicious meal for your dog, which is then packed in recyclable bags wherever possible. Goood is entirely CO₂-neutral and, with every kilo you purchase, you are supporting social and sustainability projects around the world. You are not only doing something good for your dog; you are doing it for our planet too.

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"Gut+" für Goood Veggie Adult

Unabhängige Tester haben unser vegetarisches Trockenfutter auf Akzeptanz und Verträglichkeit getestet und mit 9,1 von 10 Sternen bewertet.
Adult - Free Range Chicken
High quality dog food with highly digestible chicken
Adult - Free Range Lamb
Rich in important minerals and good for the joints 
Adult - Free Range Lamb
A protein source for sensitive dogs and good for the joints
Adult - Free Range Turkey
Canned food with a single low fat and high protein source
Adult - Sustainable Trout
Grain-free canned food without additives for sensitive dogs
Adult - Sustainable Trout
Grain-free diet with valuable omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
Adult Soft Gooodies - Free Range Chicken
Tender chicken snacks as a tasty treat or training reward
Adult Soft Gooodies - Free Range Lamb
The healthy snack with lamb as a reward for any time
Adult Soft Gooodies - Sustainable Trout
Soft and juicy trout treats for your little darling
Adult Training Gooodies - Sustainable Beetroot
Sustainable beetroot snack perfect as a training reward
Adult Veggie - Peas with Spinach & Sea Buckthorn
Easily digestible pea protein perfect for demanding dogs
Junior - Free Range Lamb & Sustainable Trout
Perfectly adapted level of protein for young dogs during growth
Junior - Free Range Lamb & Sustainable Trout
High-quality proteins for steady growth
Meat Gooodies - Organic Free-Run Duck
Grainfree snacks with 80 % organic duck meat
Senior - Free Range Chicken & Sustainable Trout
Dry food for more fun exercising for senior dogs
Senior - Free Range Turkey & Sustainable Trout
Highly digestible recipe adapted to the needs of senior dogs
Sensitive Adult - Sustainable Insects
Easily digestible insect protein for dogs with food sensitivities.
Soft Gooodies - Sustainable Insects
Snack with insect protein also suitable for sensitive dogs
Superfood Goodies - Organic Hemp Crackers
Vegan Organic Hemp Crackers with regional Superfoods