Pioneer of sustainable healthy dog food

Climate protection - is our responsibility

Our responsibility

We love dogs. And we love nature. So we accept responsibility for our ecological footprint and for future generations. We offset all of our emissions – from the farm to dispatch – with climate protection projects and work constantly to minimise our COβ‚‚ emissions We also champion social and sustainable project around the globe, such as plantation reforestation in Eastern Uruguay. There we are planting trees in various forest areas that were previously used as pasture for beef cattle.

That’s what we mean by sustainable and climate-neutral production of premium dog food.

Offsetting COβ‚‚

We support natureOffice and Eden Reforestation in their work protecting forests and planting trees around the world. Because climate protection is a global matter. And the trees convert the released COβ‚‚ back into oxygen by photosynthesis.


Plantation reforestation of degraded land. This project based in Eastern Uruguay covers a number of forest areas that were previously used as pasture for beef cattle. Grazing large beef herds is a form of land use that results in severe soil erosion and degradation. The soil becomes so degraded that it is barely able regenerate naturally. The core mission of this project is therefore to replant the area with indigenous trees. Plant growth, with the aid of environmentally-friendly herbicides, regular pruning and thinning. Indigenous varieties such as eucalyptus and pine are primarily used for reforestation.